Thinking he was going to play the role for laughs, he really does not and instead goes against type by giving us a great performance as Coronal Stars and Stripes who's an ex-Mafia member dead set on protecting and serving justice. One thing that surprised the hell out of me was Jim Carrey. However, there are great things in "Kick-Ass 2". However, I think it's easy to say that Matthew Vaughn's absence is the reason why the sequel does not work as well as the first. If they had gone bigger than the first movie, I think this could have been a great film. However, everything is just toned down a little bit from the original which is something that a sequel usually does not and should not do. It still maintains it's signature bloody trio of comedy, action, and drama very well. Though Matthew Vaughn is not the writer and direct this time around, this film is still a blast throughout.
Personally, I though the movie was a really solid sequel.
However, most people I know who saw "Kick-Ass 2" enjoyed it within a okay to good range. Neither was the comic which I was actually not a big fan of. Yeah, I'll be honest, it's not as good as the first. For some reason, I cannot see their angle. So what happened? Rotten Tomatoes currently has this at a 29%, so critics hated this movie which probably effected it's box office gross since it only made around half of what the first film made. yet, the movie prevailed, becoming one of the best comic book movies of all of time, one of the best movies of 2010, and an overall success with most audiences and critics who saw it. "Kick-Ass" was a surprise smash as it had a mostly unknown cast in a genre that is already over crowded.
My award for most underrated and poorly treated film of 2013 is absolutely without a doubt "Kick-Ass 2".